Monday 6th January
Happy New Year to you all. While many have already been at work this year, this week tends to be where things return to normal and the pace picks up again. This is no different for the BAA Board.
We ended the 2024 with the release of the report from the RNID. This stated that from a small scale study they had carried out, they found that NHS patients are not all aware of the capabilities of their technology, specifically Bluetooth connectivity. This may be because they are not being fitted with the most up-to-date technology available, or their audiologist is not telling them about it at their fitting appointment. Also, more worryingly, some patients report they have experienced upselling (being offered the opportunity to purchase a private aid) whilst being seen as an NHS patient. The RNID made it clear that their study was only reporting on a small number of patient’s experiences, however they feel the findings are enough of a concern that a wider scale study should be carried out. See our statement about the report here.
While governments across the UK are considering how to improve patient access to NHS care and reduce waiting times, we feel it is even more important to highlight concerns about quality. We do not want rushed decisions aimed at a quick fix to reduce the quality of patient care. This would be a step backwards and potentially harm the reputation of our profession more than the long waiting times.
As in most things in life, there is no quick fix, and solutions are multifaceted. Over the next few months, we aim to continue to share models of good practice with members and support the rapid implementation of what works across services. There will not be one solution that works for everyone, so if you have put into practice something that has been successful, please share it with us, whether big or small. I am also determined to call out assumptions when they are made. The current situation, as hospital based NHS is bad, and the high street being the saviour is neither accurate nor helpful. Equally, not all AQP models or independent provision of NHS services are poor quality. We need open conversations, using accurate data to inform the change needed.
As ever, you can contact me or any of our board directors here:
Take care
Claire Benton
BAA President
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