Thank you very much to the Early Professional (EP) members who completed the recent BAA survey about communication and how we support you. The majority of the respondents were BSc students, with representation from other courses also. Below are the key highlights and what we plan to do to support our EP members.

You said: Most respondents wanted written articles and short videos.
We will: Continue with our EP article in the magazine and online in the member’s area of the BAA site.

You said: You’d like monthly updates
We will: Continue to share information through Horizons and LinkedIn. Facebook, Twitter and TikTok were not preferred communication platforms.

You said: Topic preferences include case discussions, career stories and top tips
We will: Continue to create these resources (we have some podcasts being developed, so watch this space!)

You can find the latest BAA magazine, published this week, here: BAA Members’ Magazine

Check out the Early Professionals section of the website here: Early Professionals Webpage

Students get free membership of the BAA, join us here: Student membership