Following the news about the paediatric departments highlighted with the lower yields in England, BAA would encourage you to review your yield report from Smart4Hearing. Step-by-step instructions on how to do this and a S4H guidance document are below. Last year, BAA held a webinar with members of the NHSP team about Smart4Hearing and paediatric audiology data. The recording is available below to watch again.

To work out your services yield:

  • In Smart4Hearing, generate ‘outcome report 1 – screen referral and yield’.
  • Open the ‘Summary’ tab
  • Take the number in cell B69 (total yield)
  • Take the number in cell B8 (total records in the site)
  • Perform the following calculation (Total Yield/Total Records in site) x 1000
  • The expected figure is around 1.75.

While service yield can be affected by various factors, we would encourage investigation of a yield significantly below 1.75.

This investigation may include a review and cleanse of data in Smart4Hearing and an audit of infant diagnostics.

Download: S4H Audiology Guide