20 Oct -11 Nov

This fully online masterclass is ideal if you have some experience working with people with hearing loss and want to improve your knowledge and rehabilitation skills.

This course explores the following themes:

  • Tele-audiology from testing to rehab
  • Hearing therapies
  • Managing hearing loss in people with cognitive impairment
  • Innovative technologies and treatments

A variety of specially prepared interactive material will be available on a dedicated course website from late October for you to work through at your own pace. Live online sessions on 10th and 11th November will enable you to participate in discussions with leading experts in the field from universities in the UK and overseas, clinical audiology services and voluntary organisations. Throughout the course period there will be opportunities to interact with like-minded colleagues and the course organisers, Dr Hannah Cooper and Dr Lucy Handscomb. Participants from anywhere in the world are welcome.

Contact: ear.courses@ucl.ac.uk for more information or click the ‘book tickets’ button to go through to the relevant web page for more information.