18 Oct -18 Oct
09:00 -12:30

This session will be full of discussions about how we can help our adult patients get the most out of their hearing aids. It will be our first meeting as your regional reps so there will be introductions to ourselves, then talks from RNID, GN, local councils and a start-up company called XRAI.

09:00-09:30: Introduction from your reps and BAA update

09:30-10:00: Talk from Siobhan Moody about a range of smart phone apps that patients can use with and without hearing aids

10:00-10:30: Talk from RNID about assistive listening devices and alerting systems

10:30-11:00: Talk from GN about using their hearing aids with phones, including the apps and wireless accessories they have available

11:00-11:30: Talk from a local council about the support they can offer to our patients in the community.

11:30-12:00: Talk from XRAI about their new device, which allows users to get a live transcription of conversations on a display built into a pair of glasses.

12:00-12:30: Questions and discussion