30 Jun -30 Jun
14:00 -16:30

We are pleased to announce that registration for the BAA Regional meeting for the Midlands is now open.

The meeting will be delivered virtually with live, interactive, sessions. The programme for the afternoon will be:

14.00 – Welcome and Introductions – Michelle Booth

14.15 – BAA Board Update – Laura Finegold

14.30 – BAA Higher Training Scheme Update – speaker TBC

15.00 – ‘ Increased reports of tinnitus/changes in tinnitus experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.’ Recent research, case studies and discussion around how we have managed these cases in challenging times and how we might manage then going forward as lockdown eases. Lessons learnt. – Michelle Booth & David Stockdale – Chief Executive – BTA

16.00 – Feedback/Discussion – topics/format for future meetings

16.30 – Close of Meeting