11 May -13 May
University College, Cork

University College Cork, Ireland.
th May – 13th May

 This course explores the social, emotional, and cognitive context of developing communication skills, theory of mind and literacy. It also considers the impact of hearing loss on individuals and their families across the lifespan, evidence-based assessment choices and effective supports.

Our speakers are from a broad range of backgrounds including parent advocacy, audiology education and practice, speech and language therapy, and deaf education.

As this course is taking place in person, places are limited. CPD Fee: €120. Registration is open until the 8th of May, 2023. CPD fee: €120.

Visit www.ucc.ie/en/cpd/options/medhealth/clinicaltherapies/cpd1707/ for more information and to register for the course.

You can also contact us on cmoloney@ucc.ie and cnilsson@ucc.ie for more information.