The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) urgently require audiologists to join their Register of Experts.

As the UK Competent Authority for medical devices, it is important that the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) maintains an up to date Register of Experts to undertake assessments of applications for clinical investigations of new or modified medical devices. They also utilise their external experts for specific ‘ad hoc’ advice from time to time. They currently have some projects with which urgently require assistance so return the forms below if you are interested.

Possible conflicts of Interest can include having been previously employed by the manufacturer responsible for an application, having personal ties with the principal clinicians or the manufacturer involved with a proposed study or working within close proximity to/within a  proposed clinical investigation study site etc.

Please contact Sarah Garnham:


RoE contact details form – Feb 2021

Assessor or Committee Registration Form_ (002)

Confidentiality Contract – REVISED 2020